SharePoint Framework (SPFX) Developer Training
- Learn SharePoint Framework (SPFx) development Step by Step
- 35+ Hours of HD Videos
- Lifetime Access
- Regular Updates
- Covers SPFx, TypeScript & React
- Source Code, PDFs
- 1 Hours of One to One Disccussion
This SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Developer Training course will SharePoint framework (SPFx), TypeScript, and React from beginner to advanced levels. After the training, you will become an expert in SharePoint Framework (SPFx) development. It’s an online self-paced course that you can learn right away. It is having full of practical & real-time examples.
What Others Saying about the Training Course

My name is Bijay Kumar and I will be your trainer throughout this SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Developer Training Course.
I have been working in SharePoint since 2008. During this period, I have been worked with various small to large organizations. My aim in this training is to provide you the best SharePoint developer learning experience. I have been highly passionate about learning and teaching SharePoint and have trained hundreds of SharePoint enthusiasts to use SharePoint the most efficient way.
I have also been recognized as a SharePoint MVP by Microsoft for my passion to learn and teach people on using SharePoint the right way as much as possible.
Let us learn SharePoint and be a master in SharePoint development!
Complete SPFx Training Course Module
SharePoint Framework Developer Training Course is a 100% online self-paced video course where you get access to all the lessons and download files as soon as you register. All the lessons are based on practical and real-time examples which will help you to learn SharePoint easily.
The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Developer Training Course consists of 7 modules that will help to you to learn SharePoint Framework (SPFx) from basic to advanced levels.
Module-1: SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Introduction and Prerequisites

- SharePoint Framework Introduction (11:14)
- SharePoint Framework Development Toolchain (17:13)
- SharePoint Framework Development Environment Set up (11:36)
- Create First SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web part (13:38)
- Package and Deploy SPFx Client Side Web Part (25:19)
- Understanding important files folders inside spfx web part (35:42)
- 3 Different ways to create SPFx Solution (13:03)
- Visual Studio Code Crash Course (31:03)
- Visual Studio Code Workspace (4:50)
- Node Package Manager (npm) (5:02)
- TypeScript Crash Course Part-1 (16:47)
- TypeScript Crash Course Part-2 (35:39)
- TypeScript Crash Course Part-3 (20:57)
- React Crash Course (22:56)
- React Component (26:56)
Module-2: SharePoint Framework Client Web Parts
- Create First SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web part (13:38)
- Create client side web part and Understanding of the project structure, files and folders (35:42)
- Package and Deploy SPFx Client Side Web Part (25:19)
- 3 Different ways to create SPFx Solution (13:03)
- Working with Mock Data in SPFx Client Side Web Part (14:28)
- SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Client Side Web Part Properties (37:32)
- Create Employee Of Month Web Part by using various web part properties (31:37)
- Employee Of the Month Web Part using React JS Framework with web part properties (23:06)
- Creating Component in SPFx React Web Part with Properties (17:08)
- More SPFX PropertyPane Examples with React (20:14)
- Understand Manifest file in SPFx Web Part (16:27)
- Working with PnP Property Pane Controls (27:40)
- Build Microsoft Teams Tab using SPFx Web Part (14:35)
- Working with chartjs in SPFx React Web Part (27:21)
- SPFx Logging (4:30)
- SharePoint Framework CRUD Operations using React (30:47)
- Add Multiple Web Parts in a Single SPFx Solution (7:46)

Module-3: Loading SharePoint Data in a SPFx client web part

- Working with context in SPFx Web Parts (15:54)
- CRUD Operations using SPHttpClient in SPFx – Insert Item Example (22:37)
- CRUD Operations using SPHttpClient in SPFx – Update List Item Example (16:33)
- CRUD Operations using SPHttpClient in SPFx – Display and Delete List Items Example (9:18)
- Employee Feedback Client side web part using SPFx (sphttpclient) (35:11)
- Get All Lists and Libraries in SPFx Client Side Web Part (8:26)
- Subsite Creation Process in SPFx Client Side Web Part (13:09)
- List Creation Process using SPHttpClient in SPFx (9:39)
- Display List Items in SPFx web part using React (24:01)
- Working with Anonymous APIs in SPFx with React (16:59)
- Working with External Libraries in SPFx Client Side Web Part (11:57)
- jQuery Accordion in SPFx Client Side Web Part (12:22)
- Working with Bootstrap and PnP in SPFx Web Part (12:29)
- Working with Graph API in SPFx Web Part – No JavaScript Framework (16:20)
- Working with Graph API in SPFx Web Part – React Framework (17:49)
- SPFx with Graph API SharePoint (React and No JavaScript) (25:51)
- SharePoint Framework Document Library Operations using Rest API, dataTables, toastr and bootstrap (26:13)
- SPFx List With Multiple Attachments Example (7:40)
Module-4: SharePoint Framework (SPFx) with PnP
- Introduction PnP JS Library in SharePoint Framework (SPFx) (14:56)
- CRUD Operations in SPFx Web Part using PnP Core JS Library – Insert (13:57)
- CRUD Operations in SPFx Web Part using PnP Core JS Library – Update (10:10)
- CRUD Operations in SPFx Web Part using PnP Core JS Library – Delete (4:08)
- CRUD Operations in SPFx Web Part using PnP Core JS Library – Display (5:47)
- Working with SPFx PnP Controls (People Picker) (22:10)
- SharePoint framework crud operations no javascript framework (PnP) (23:08)
- PnP React DatePicker with PnP ListView Control Example (9:55)
- PnP SPFx React Carousel Control and React Slick Slider (11:01)
- PnP SPFx react ChartControl (Pie Chart, Bar Chart, and Radar Chart) (9:57)
- PnP SPFx react GridLayout control and SecurityTrimmedControl (9:29)
- PnP SPFx React TaxonomyPicker Control (Single Value and Multi Value) (8:59)
- PnP SPFx React Property Controls (13:19)
- SPFx Files and Folders Operations using PnP (7:30)
- SPFx PnP Accessible Accordion React Example (4:20)
- SPFx PnP Code Editor Example (5:40)
- SPFx PnP Column Picker and List View Example (7:51)
- SPFx PnP FieldCollectionData control (6:42)
- SPFx PnP ListItemAttachments control Example (5:48)
- SPFx PnP React FilePicker Example (5:07)
- SPFx PnP React Carousel Example (4:01)
- SPFx PnP React ListView control with Contextual Menu and Group by Fields (4:56)
- SPFx PnP Pagination List Items Example (6:46)
- SPFx PnP Site Creation Operations (5:09)

Module-5: Deploying SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Artifacts

- Packaging and Deployment SPFx Web Part – SharePoint Online App Catalog Site (25:19)
- Packaging and Deployment SPFx Web Part – SharePoint Online CDN (29:12)
- Packaging and Deployment SPFx Web Part – Microsoft Azure Storage CDN (19:54)
Module-6: SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Extensions
- SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Field Customizer Extension (33:37)
- Apply SPFx field customizer extension to existing SharePoint list columns (3:53)
- SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Application Customizer Extension (22:24)
- SharePoint Framework (SPFx) ListView Command Set Extension (18:09)
- Bulk Update using ListView Command Sets SPFx Extensions and PnP (21:48)
- SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Command Sets Extensions (22:28)
- Working with Place Holders in SPFx Application Customizers (22:04)
- Inject CSS through SPFx Application Customizer (8:46)
- PnP SPFx SiteBreadcrumb control react (5:38)
- Create Custom Header and Footer menu From Term Store using Application Customizer (10:32)
- SPFx Application Customizer – React Slick Slider (7:05)
- SPFx Application Customizer – Fluent UI MessageBar (7:33)

Module-7: Brand your SPFx client web parts with Office-UI-Fabric or Fluent UI

- SPFx Office UI Fabric Introduction (6:53)
- Microsoft Fluent UI (10:58)
- Fabric Core (22:39)
- Start Fluent UI with React (13:19)
- CRUD Operations + React Tabulator + office ui fabric react controls (28:43)
- Create FAQ Web Part using React Fluent UI – GroupedList (11:14)
- Create Employee Directory Web Part SPFx with React and Graph API (17:40)
- Office UI Fabric ShimmeredDetailsList (10:18)
- Fluent UI ChoiceGroup (Radio Button) and Checkbox Example (19:37)
- SPFx Fluent UI Command Bar Example (13:20)
- SPFx Fluent UI Textbox, Multiline Textbox, MaskedTextField and Calendar Example (8:54)
- SPFx Fluent UI Contextual Menu Example (7:04)
- SPFx Fluent UI Hover Card with Detail List Example (6:27)
- SPFx Fluent UI DetailsList Example (Sort & Search) (9:56)
- SPFx Fluent UI Dialog Box Example (5:06)
- SPFx Fluent UI DocumentCard (5:48)
- SPFx Fluent UI Modal Example (5:27)
- SPFx Fluent UI Search Box Example (5:57)
- SPFx Fluent UI Pivot Example (6:54)
- SPFx Fluent UI Shimmer (4:22)
- SPFx Fluent UI DetailsList Shimmer Example (6:08)

Learn at your own time - Lifetime Access
- The SharePoint Framework development training is a 100% Online video course which allows you to learn at your own convenient time.
- There is not time limit of this training, because you are getting life time access to the training.
- Each lessons are explained step by step and where ever required all source codes are available which you can download and use. You can watch these videos any number of times from anywhere and on any device.
- So no matter where you're, your learning would never stop.
- All regular updates are free, Keep learning
Choose your Plan
You can either enroll for this course or you can enroll to access everything.
This Course
1 Course Access
Lifetime Access
35+ hours of HD Videos
Free Future updates
PDF & Source code files
1 hours Exclusive One to One Discussion
1 Hour Interview Preparation Session
Exclusive Access to WhatsApp Group
Access Everything
All Course Access
Lifetime Access
100+ hours of HD Videos
Free Future updates
PDF & Source code files
2 hours Exclusive One to One Discussion
1 Hour Interview Preparation Session
Exclusive Access to WhatsApp Group
Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
What is the course duration? How much time do I need to complete this course?
The duration of this course is 35+ hours and I will add a few more modules and examples to make it around 40 hours. There is no time limit to complete this course because this is a self-paced course where you can learn at your own speed and convenient time.
I am working in SharePoint On premises version, Can I take the training course?
Yes, you can learn SharePoint Framework (SPFx) even if you have less knowledge in SharePoint Online Office 365.
Can I join the course as I am a Fresher?
SPFx development course is for developers. You should have a little knowledge of SharePoint. My suggestion will be to check out the SharePoint development training course first before checking out the SPFx development training course.
Can I take the training as I do not have programming knowledge?
Yes, you can take the training. But it is good to have HTML, JavaScript, CSS and jQuery knowledge.
Do I get a course completion certificate?
Yes, just send me an email at, I will send you the certificate.
Do I get an invoice so that I can get it reimbursed from my employer?
Yes. When you make the payment, you immediately get the invoice via email.
Still, if you have any other questions to ask, send an email to