Power Apps Filter SharePoint List [25+ Examples]

Microsoft Provides a list of functions to the Power Apps to make the applications more responsive and attractive. One of the key functions is Power Apps Filter(), which allows users to filter SharePoint list in Power Apps using various conditions.

In this article, we will learn how to filter SharePoint Online list in Power Apps based on various columns and logical operators with examples.

Table of Contents

Filter SharePoint List in Power Apps

Let’s take a simple scenario.

I have created a SharePoint Online list named “Product Order Details” with different fields.

Column NameData Type
Product NameIt is a default single line of text
Order DateOrder Date
Delivery DateDelivery Date
powerapps filter sharepoint list

Now, I would like to filter the SharePoint Online list using the Power Apps filter conditions based on the different columns and display the filtered records on the Data table control or Gallery control.

Now, let me discuss how to work with Power Apps filter SharePoint list using different columns [Text, Choice, Person, Number, Lookup, Date and time, etc…]

1. Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Text Column

In Power Apps, there is a Data table control that retrieves the data from the SharePoint list [Product Order Details].

Now, I want to filter the data table and display each record from the SharePoint Online list based on the Text column value [“Mobile”].

filter sharepoint list powerapps

For that, on the Power Apps Screen -> Insert a Data table and set its Items property to the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    Title = "Mobile"


  • ‘Product Order Details’ = SharePoint Online list
PowerApps Filter SharePoint List

Have a look at the below screenshot for the output:

Power Apps Filter SharePoint List

Filter SharePoint Text Column Using StartsWith()

Suppose you want to filter the SharePoint text column with the StartsWith function in Power Apps; follow the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',


How to Filter SharePoint Online List in Power Apps

Filter SharePoint Text Column Using EndsWith()

Similarly, you can filter the SharePoint Online list text column using the EndsWith function in Power Apps. For that, you can follow the below code.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',


How to Filter SharePoint Online List in PowerApps

Filter SharePoint Text Column Using Text input

In Power Apps, there is a Text input control and a Data table control. Whenever a user enters or provides the Text column value, the data table filters and displays each record from the SharePoint list based on the text input value.

To do so, set the Data table’s Items property to the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    Title = txt_ProductName.Text


  • txt_ProductName = Power Apps text input name


How to Filter SharePoint List in Power Apps

This is how we can filter the SharePoint text field in Power Apps.

2. Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Date Column

Next, I will show you how to filter the SharePoint list date and time column using different filter conditions in Power Apps. Such as:

Filter SharePoint List using Date Column By Current Date

I will also take the above SharePoint Online [Product Order Details] for this example. Now, I need to display only today’s or current-day records on the Power Apps data table.

For that, you can use the below code for the Data table’s Items property.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    'Order Date' = Today()


  • ‘Order Date’ = SharePoint date and time field


How to Filter SharePoint List in PowerApps

Filter SharePoint List using Date Column Between Two Dates

You can also filter the SharePoint list date column between two dates [Order Date and Delivery Date]. For that, follow the below code.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    OrderDate>= Date(2024,3,19),
    DeliveryDate <= Date(2024,3,27)


How to Filter a SharePoint Online List in PowerApps

Filter SharePoint List using Date Column By Add Or Subtract Days

Let me show you how to filter the SharePoint date and time column by adding or subtracting days. To achieve this, you can use the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    OrderDate = Today() + 2                //For adding days

    'Product Order Details',
    OrderDate = Today() -5               //For subtracting days


Filter SharePoint List in Power Apps

Filter SharePoint List using Date Column By Selected Date

If you want to filter the SharePoint date column by a selected date, you can add a date picker and filter the data table based on the date picker’s selected date.

To achieve it, follow the below code:

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    'Order Date' = dte_SelectDate.SelectedDate


  • dte_SelectDate = Power Apps date picker name
How to Filter a SharePoint List in PowerApps

Whenever the user selects a specific date, the data table filters and displays each record from the SharePoint list based on that date.

Have a look at the below screenshot for the output.

How to Filter a SharePoint List in Power Apps

Filter SharePoint List using Date Column By Date Range

In this example, I will show you how to filter the SharePoint list date column by date range using two date pickers [dte_Orderdate and dte_DeliveryDate].

To do so, you can use the below code for the Data table’s Items property:

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    OrderDate >= dte_OrderDate.SelectedDate,
    DeliveryDate <= dte_DeliveryDate.SelectedDate


How to Filter a SharePoint Online List in Power Apps

3. Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Number Column

Now, I would like to show you how to filter the SharePoint list number column using different filter conditions. Such as:

Filter SharePoint Number Column Does Equals

Suppose you want to filter the SharePoint number column value as equal to the specific number, you can follow the below code.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    Quantity = 5                                  //you can change the number


  • Quantity = SharePoint number column


Filter SharePoint List in PowerApps

Filter SharePoint Number Column Does Not Equal

Likewise, follow the below code to filter the SharePoint number column that does not equal the specific number.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    Quantity <> 10


Filter SharePoint Online List in Power Apps

Filter SharePoint Number Column is Between Two Numbers

Suppose I would like to filter the SharePoint number column based on the two numbers in Power Apps. In this case, we can use the below code.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    Quantity >= 3 And Quantity <=7


Power Apps Filter SharePoint List using a Number Column

Filter SharePoint Number Column is Greater Than Or Less Than

You can also filter the SharePoint number column that is greater than or less than a specific value. For that, follow the below code.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    Quantity > 3                                        //For greater values

    'Product Order Details',
    Quantity <5                                      //For less values


PowerApps Filter SharePoint List

Filter SharePoint Number Column is Greater Than Or Equals To/Less Than Or Equals To

Similarly, if you want to filter the SharePoint number field that is greater than or equals/less than or equals a specific value, you can follow the code below.

    'Product Order Details',
    Quantity >= 5                                        //For Greater Than Or Equals Values

    'Product Order Details',
    Quantity <= 5                                      //For Less Than Or Equals Values


PowerApps Filter SharePoint List using Number Column
Note:  Whenever you want to filter the SharePoint Online list by "Currency column", you can follow the above examples [Number column Filter condition applicable for Currency column as well].

4. Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Choice Column

For this example, I have taken another SharePoint Online list named “Travel Requests,” which contains the fields below.

Column NameData Type
Trip TitleIt is a default single line of text
Travel Start DateDate and time
Travel End DateDate and time
Estimated AirfareEstimated Airfare
Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Choice Column

Now, I would like to filter the SharePoint Choice field based on the specific value [Alaska Air] and display the filtered records on the gallery control. The output is shown in the screenshot below.


PowerApps Filter SharePoint List Using Choice Column

To work around this, follow the steps below. Such as:

1. On the Power Apps Screen -> Insert a Gallery control and set its Items property to the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Travel Requests',
    Airline.Value = "Alaska Air"


  • ‘Travel Requests’ = SharePoint Online List
  • Airline = SharePoint Choice Field
  • “Alaska Air” = Choice Field Value
Power Apps filter from SharePoint list

2. Once your app is ready, Save, Publish, and Preview the app. The gallery displays filtered records based on the choice field value, as shown below.

filter the sharepoint list in powerapps

Filter SharePoint Choice Column By Dropdown

Let’s see how to filter the SharePoint choice field by dropdown. To achieve it, follow the below steps.

1. On the Power Apps screen -> Insert a Dropdown control and set its Items property to the code below.

Items = Choices([@'Travel Requests'].Airline)
how to filter sharepoint list in powerapps

2. Then, insert a Gallery control and set Its Items property as:

Items = Filter(
    'Travel Requests',
    Airline.Value = drp_Airlene.Selected.Value


  • drp_Airlene = Power Apps Drodown Value
how to filter a sharepoint list in powerapps

3. Whenever the user selects any value from the dropdown control, the gallery displays filtered records based on the selected choice value.

Refer to the below screenshot:

how to filter sharepoint list in the powerapps

5. Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Person Column

Here, we will discuss the powerapps filter sharepoint list by person column using different filter conditions. Such as:

Filter SharePoint List Person Field By Current User

To get the current user records in the Power Apps based on the SharePoint list person field, you can use the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Travel Requests',
    'Requested By'.DisplayName = User().FullName


    'Travel Requests',
    User().Email exactin Requester.Email


  • ‘Requested By’ = SharePoint Person or Group column name


Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Person Column

Filter SharePoint List Person Field By User Name/Email

We can filter the SharePoint list person field using a specific user’s name or email. To do so, follow the below given code.

Items = Filter(
    'Travel Requests',
    'Requested By'.Email = "PattiF@szg52.onmicrosoft.com"


    'Travel Requests',
  "PattiF@szg52.onmicrosoft.com" exactin 'Requested By'.Email


PowerApps Filter SharePoint List Using Person Field

Filter SharePoint List Person Field By User Department/JobTitle

Also, if you want to filter the SharePoint list person column using user Department or Job Title, follow the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Travel Requests',
    'Requested By'.Email = "PattiF@szg52.onmicrosoft.com"

Text = ThisItem.'Requested By'.Department
Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Person Field

Have a look at the below screenshot for the output:


How to Filter SharePoint List Using Person Field in PowerApps

6. Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Yes/No Column

In this example, I will discuss how to filter the SharePoint list Yes/No column with two different filter conditions. Such as:

Filter SharePoint List Yes/No Column Equals “Yes” Value

If you want to display only approved records [True values] on the Power Apps gallery control, you can follow the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Travel Requests',


  • Approved = SharePoint Yes/No filed


Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Yes No Column

Filter SharePoint List Yes/No Column Equals “No” Value

If you want to display not approved records [False values] on the Power Apps gallery control, you can follow the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Travel Requests',


PowerApps Filter SharePoint List Using Yes No Column

7. Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Lookup Column

Let’s see how to filter the Power Apps SharePoint list by lookup column with a simple scenario:


I have a SharePoint Online List named [Patient Tracker] and this list contains the below fields.

Destination List:

Column NameData Type
Patient IDIt is a default single line of text
Patient NameA single line of text
Date Of BirthDate of Birth
Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Lookup Column

This SharePoint lookup column [Disease] is added from another SharePoint source list named “Diseases List“. This list contains the below fields.

Column NameData Type
DiseaseIt is a default single line of text
Doctor’s NameA single line of text
Doctor’s FeesCurrency
Doctor’s ExperienceNumber
PowerApps Filter SharePoint List Using Lookup Column

Now, I would like to filter the SharePoint lookup field and display filtered records on the data table in two different ways. Such as:

Filter SharePoint Lookup Field Equals a Specific Value

You can follow the code below whenever you want to filter the SharePoint list records by a specific lookup filed value.

Items = Filter(
    'Patient Tracker',
    Disease.Value = "Malaria"                      //You can change lookup field value


  • Disease = SharePoint lookup field


Power Apps Filter SharePoint List Using Lookup Field

Filter SharePoint Lookup Field By Radio Button

Let me show you how to filter the SharePoint Lookup field by radio button. To achieve this, follow the below steps.

1. On the Power Apps Screen -> Insert a Radio button and set its Items property to the code below.

Items = 'Diseases List'.Title


  • Diseases List’ = SharePoint source list
PowerApps Filter SharePoint List Using Lookup Field

2. Then, insert a Data table control and set its Items property as:

Items = Filter(
    'Patient Tracker',
    Disease.Value = rdo_Diseases.Selected.Disease
How to Filter SharePoint List Using Lookup Field in PowerApps

3. Now, when a user selects any lookup field value from the radio button control, the data table displays filtered records, as in the screenshot below.


How to Filter SharePoint List Using Lookup Field in Power Apps

Filter SharePoint Lookup Field By ID

In this example, I will show you how to filter the SharePoint Online list lookup column by ID using the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Patient Tracker',
    Disease.Id=5                        //You can change the ID name


How to Filter the SharePoint List Using Lookup Field in Power Apps
Note: PowerApps is not supported with the SharePoint "Calculated column", "Hyperlink Column", "Image column", and "List views" to filter the SharePoint Online list.

Power Apps Filter SharePoint Online List By Logical Operators

Finally, I will show you how to filter the SharePoint Online list by different logical operators. Such as:

Filter SharePoint Online List By “Not” Logical Operator

You can use the code below to filter the SharePoint list by the “Not” logical operator.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
   Not Title = "Mobile"                             //You can change the text value


    'Product Order Details',
    Title <> "Mobile"                      


Power Apps Filter SharePoint Online List By Logical Operators

Filter SharePoint Online List By “And” Logical Operator

Here, I will show you how to to filter the SharePoint list by the “And” logical operator using the below code.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    Title = "Laptop" And Quantity >= 2


PowerApps Filter SharePoint Online List By Logical Operators

Filter SharePoint Online List By “OR” Logical Operator

Next, we will see how to to filter the SharePoint list by the “OR” logical operator using the below code.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    Title = "Mobile" Or Quantity > 5


PowerApps Filter SharePoint Online List Using Logical Operators

Filter SharePoint Online List By Multiple Logical Operators

In the last, I will show you how to filter the SharePoint list by multiple logical operators. For that, you can follow the code below.

Items = Filter(
    'Product Order Details',
    Title = "Laptop" And Quantity > 4 Or Title="Laptop"


Power Apps Filter SharePoint Online List Using Logical Operators

This is how we can filter the SharePoint list using different columns and different logical operators in Power Apps.

I trust this tutorial is useful for you. If you have any requirements related to the Power Apps filter SharePoint Online list, you can easily do it by following the above examples.

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