How to Display Power Apps Gallery Distinct Values?

In this Microsoft Power Apps tutorial, we will learn how to display distinct values in Power Apps gallery.

Additionally, we will discuss the Distinct() function to remove duplicate collection records in a Power Apps gallery using a single line of code.

Display Power Apps Gallery Distinct Values

  • The Power Apps Gallery control can display multiple records from a data source, and each record can contain multiple types of data.
  • In Power Apps, I have a Gallery control named [gal_Diseases], and this gallery contains SharePoint list records, including the duplicate records that I don’t want to display on the gallery control.

Refer to the below screenshot:

Display distinct values in Power Apps gallery
  • We can use the Distinct() function to remove duplicate rows or records in the Power Apps gallery control not in the SharePoint list.
  • The image below shows two duplicate records [Malaria, Lyme disease]. When a user uses the distinct function in the gallery items property, these two duplicates will be removed from the gallery control, and it will display only the unique values.
Display distinct values in Power Apps gallery control

To work around this example, follow the below steps. Such as:

1. Create a Blank canvas app and connect it to the respective SharePoint list [Diseases List] like below.

how to display distinct values in Power Apps gallery

2. On the Power Apps Screen -> Insert a Gallery control [gal_Diseases] and set its Items property as:

Items = 'Diseases List'

3. To display the Disease field records, change the gallery layout to “Title” as shown below.

how to display distinct values in Power Apps gallery control

4. Now, I want to remove these two duplicate records from the gallery. For that, select a gallery control and set its Items property to the code below.

Items = Distinct(
    'Diseases List',


  • Distinct() = This Distinct function assesses a formula for every record in a table and returns a single-column table of outcomes, eliminating any duplicates
  • ‘Diseases List’ = SharePoint Online list
  • Disease = SharePoint list title field

5. Also, you should change the title field value from “ThisItem.Disease to “Value” to display the distinct values as shown below.

power apps gallery distinct values

6. Once the app is ready, Save, Publish, and Preview the app. When a user opens the gallery control, it will display distinct unique records as in the screenshot below.

power apps gallery control distinct values

Display Power Apps Gallery Distinct Values from Collection

Next, we will see how to display Power Apps gallery distinct values from a collection with a simple scenario.


I have a Power Apps Collection named “Expenses Collection.” In this collection, I have added data with different columns and rows. Also, this collection has some duplicate rows that I don’t want.

The image below shows two duplicate records [GroceryCab ride]. When a user clicks on the Remove rows button, these two duplicates will be removed from the collection, and the result will be displayed in the Power Apps gallery control.

how to display power apps gallery distinct values

To achieve it, follow the below steps. Such as:

1. On the Power Apps Screen -> Insert a Power Apps Button control (Expenses Collection) -> Set its OnSelect property code like below.

OnSelect =  ClearCollect(
        Item: "Grocery",
        Category: "Food",
        PurchasDate: "10/30/2023",
        Amount: 1000
        Item: "Wallpapers",
        Category: "Household",
        PurchasDate: "10/31/2023",
        Amount: 1500
        Item: "Cab ride",
        Category: "Car/Trasport",
        PurchasDate: "11/1/2023",
        Amount: 900
        Item: "Health checkup",
        Category: "Food",
        PurchasDate: "11/2/2023",
        Amount: 2200
        Item: "Grocery",
        Category: "Food",
        PurchasDate: "11/30/2023",
        Amount: 1000
        Item: "Cab ride",
        Category: "Car/Trasport",
        PurchasDate: "12/1/2023",
        Amount: 900
        Item: "Loan payments",
        Category: "Personal",
        PurchasDate: "12/3/2023",
        Amount: 2000


  • colExpenses = Power Apps Collection Name
  • ItemCategoryPurchasDateAmount = Collection Headers
  • Grocery“, “Food“, “10/30/2023“, 1000 = Collection Values/Records
how to display power apps gallery control distinct values

2. Then, insert a Gallery control and set its Items Property as:

Items = colExpenses
Display distinct values in the Power Apps gallery control

3. To display the collection fields in the gallery control, insert Text labels inside the gallery with respective Text properties like below.

Text = ThisItem.Item

Text = ThisItem.Category

Text = ThisItem.Amount

Text = ThisItem.PurchasDate
Display distinct values in a Power Apps gallery

4. Now, click the button control [Expenses Collection] to display the Power Apps collection like below.

display Power Apps gallery distinct values from collection

5. Here, you can see that, in the Power Apps collection, you can find duplicate rows shown below.

display Power Apps gallery control distinct values from collection

6. To remove these duplicate rows from the Power Apps collection, insert another Power Apps Button control (Remove Duplicates) and set its OnSelect property code like below.

OnSelect = ClearCollect(


  • colRemoveDuplicates = Power Apps collection name
  • ForAll = This function evaluates the formula for a single record
  • Distinct = You can use this function to remove duplicate values from a Power Apps collection
  • colExpenses = Power Apps source collection name
  • ThisRecord = This function to remove all duplicate rows from a collection
how to display Power Apps gallery distinct values from collection

7. Then, select Gallery control and change its Items property to the code below.

Items = colRemoveDuplicates
how to display distinct values in the Power Apps gallery

8. Now, click on the button control [Remove Duplicates] to display the Power Apps collection without any duplicate rows, as shown below.

how to display distinct values in the Power Apps gallery control

This is all about the display of the Power Apps gallery’s distinct values from a collection.


You can use a distinct function to delete all duplicate records whenever you want to remove duplicate values from a Power Apps gallery control.

This Microsoft Power Apps tutorial taught us how to display distinct values in the Power Apps gallery.

Also, we discussed the display of Power Apps gallery distinct values from a collection and how to use the “Distinct Function” and “ThisRecord Property” to remove all duplicate values.

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