Power Apps Charts

Did you know we can use Power Apps to generate dynamic and powerful charts? Yes, we can generate visually appealing charts with other tools, such as Power BI, by leveraging Power Apps Chart Controls.

This Power Apps tutorial explains what does mean by Power Apps Charts, different types of chart controls in Power Apps and how to add a chart in Power Apps Screen.

Moreover, we will discuss how to use the Power Apps chart from the SharePoint list, Power Apps Pie chart, and how to work with the Power Apps Pie chart from the SharePoint list with various examples.

Power Apps Charts

Let’s discuss what Power Apps Charts is!

Power Apps Charts are graphical representations of data utilized within Power Apps to offer a visual context for data analysis and make it more straightforward.

These charts are essential for business applications because they help users quickly identify trends, patterns, and insights from data sets.

Refer to the image below for how Power Apps charts look like:

Power Apps Charts

This is the overview of Power Apps Charts.

Different Types of Charts in Power Apps

The table below represents the Power Apps Chart types:

Type of ChartDescriptionUse CasesImage
Column ChartDisplays data as horizontal bars; the length of each bar is proportional to the value it represents.It is ideal for showing data changes or comparisons among items over time.Power Apps Column Chart
Line ChartIt uses points connected by lines to represent data, typically to show trends over time.Best for displaying data trends and changes over intervals, such as months or years.Power Apps Line Chart
Pie ChartRepresents data in a circular graph, with slices representing parts of a whole.Suitable for showing proportions and percentages within a dataset.pie chart powerapps
Power BI tileIt lets you embed a single visual tile directly into your app from a Power BI dashboard.Sales Performance Dashboard in a Retail Management App.Power BI tile in Power Apps

These are the four different chart controls in Power Apps.

Power Apps Chart from SharePoint List

Now, we will see how to use the Power Apps chart from a SharePoint List. Let’s achieve it step by step.

1. The screenshot below represents a SharePoint list named Course Evaluation Details. This list has the below columns with different data types:

ColumnData type
TitleSingle line of text
Course DescriptionMulti-line of text
Single InstructorPerson
Course FeeCurrency

Refer to the image below:

Power Apps Chart from SharePoint List

2. Sign into Power Apps with your valid Microsoft 365 credentials. Create a Blank Canvas app and connect the above SharePoint list datasource connector [Course Evaluation Details]. Once it’s connected to the app, it will look like below.

chart in powerapps

3. Next, go to the + Insert tab -> Expand Charts -> Select Column chart control. Then, the column chart will be added to the Power Apps screen with some sample data.

powerapps chart from sharepoint list

4. You can see three categories when adding a column chart to the app. Such as:

  • Legend
  • ColumnChart
  • Title
powerapps chart

5. ColumnChart: Select the Chart control and set its Items property to the SharePoint list.

Items = 'Course Evaluation Details'


Course Evaluation Details‘ = SharePoint List Name

powerapps charts

6. Title: To provide a title to the chart, select the top label control and set its Text property as:

Text = "Course Evaluation Details"

You can provide any title as per your need.

charts in power apps

7. To display the data in the Power Apps Column chart, go to the Advanced tab and enter these field values:

  • Labels: Select Title from the dropdown menu.
  • Series1: Select CourseFee from the dropdown menu.
power apps chart

8. Legend: Specify the Power Apps Column chart Legend section. Select the Legend label and set its Items property as:

Items = ColumnChart1.SeriesLabels
powerapps pie chart from sharepoint list

9. Finally, save, publish, and preview the app. You can view all the details in the Power Apps column chart.

This is how to display SharePoint List items in a Power Apps Chart control.

Power Apps Pie Chart

A Power Apps Pie Chart is a visual representation used within Power Apps to display data in a circular graph, with each slice representing just a portion of the total.

This graph helps display the relative sizes of data points in a single series. Refer to the image below of the data in a Power Apps Pie Chart control.

pie chart power apps

This is the overview of Power Apps Pie Chart control.

Power Apps Pie Chart From SharePoint List

Let’s discuss how to display SharePoint list items in a Power Apps Pie Chart control.

1. In Power Apps screen, go to the + Insert tab -> Expand Charts -> Select Pie chart control. Then, the pie chart will be added to the Power Apps screen with some sample data.

PowerApps Pie Chart

2. You can see three categories when adding a pie chart to the app. Such as:

  • Legend
  • PieChart
  • Title
Power Apps Pie Chart From SharePoint List

3. Title: To provide a title to the pie chart, select the top label control and set its Text property as:

Text = "Course Evaluation By Name"

You can provide any title as per your need.

pie chart in powerapps

4. PieChart: Select the Chart control and set its Items property to the SharePoint list.

Items = 'Course Evaluation Details'


Course Evaluation Details‘ = SharePoint List Name

Also, go to the Advanced tab and select the fields below:

  • Labels: Select Title.
  • Series: Select CourseFee.
pie chart in power apps

5. Legend: Specify the Power Apps Pie chart Legend section. Select the Legend label and set its Items property as:

Items = ColumnChart1.SeriesLabels
powerapps pie chart

6. At last, save, publish, and preview the app. You can view all the details in the Power Apps pie chart.

This is how to display SharePoint List items in a Power Apps Pie chart control.


This Power Apps tutorial explained what Power Apps Charts are, the many types of chart controls in Power Apps, and how to add a chart to a Power Apps Screen.

Furthermore, we learned how to use the Power Apps chart from the SharePoint list, as well as the Power Apps Pie chart, and how to deal with the Power Apps Pie chart from the SharePoint list using various scenarios.

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