How to Use Power Apps Find Function + 5 Examples

In this Power Apps tutorial, I will explain the Power Apps Find function and its syntax. Then, I will show you how to use the Power Apps Find function using different examples like:

  • Power Apps Find Character in String
  • Power Apps Search Text in String
  • Power Apps Contains Text

Power Apps Find Function

The Power Apps Find function finds a string within another string. Normally, this function searches a string of text and it is case-sensitive.


Power Apps Find function always returns the first character of the string. If the string is does not contain, you can get a blank value.

Power Apps Find Function Syntax

Find( FindString, WithinString [, StartingPosition ] )


  • FindString = This is required. Specify the string to find
  • WithinString = This is also required. Provide the string to search within
  • StartingPosition = This is an Optional. It specifies the starting position in which to start searching. Position 1 is the first character

How to Use Power Apps Find Function

Here, we will see how to use the Power Apps Find function using different examples. Such as:


In Power Apps, there is a Text label containing the text [“Microsoft Power Platform”]. Now, I would like to find the starting position of the text/string [“Platform“]. For that, follow the code below.

Text = Find(
    "Microsoft Power Platform"


powerapps find function


Suppose you want to find the starting position of the first occurrence of “Canvas” after the 10th character. Insert a Text label and set its Text property to the code below.

Text = Find(
    "PowerApps Canvas, PowerApps Canvas",
find function powerapps


Let’s say there are two text labels. The first text label contains the text [Power Apps Developer]; now, I want to find the starting position of the string [“Apps“] and display the result on the second text label.

For that, set the second Text label’s Text property using the code below.

Text = Find(


  • txt_text = Second text label name
power apps find function


Suppose you have a string “Power Apps Developer,” and you want to find the position of the word “apps”. In this case, insert a Text label and set its Text property to the code below.

Text = Find(
    Lower("Power Apps Developer")
find in powerapps


Suppose your FindString [“Canvas“] is not in the WithinString [“Microsoft Power Platform”]. In this case, you will get the result as Blank, as shown below. Refer to the code below.

Text = Find(
    "Microsoft Power Platform"
find function in powerapps

Power Apps Find Character in String

Now, I will discuss how to work with the Power Apps find character in string with a simple scenario:


Suppose there is a string “Welcome to Power Apps!” and I want to find the position of the character “P.” For that, follow the below code.

Text = Find(
    "Welcome to Power Apps!"
powerapps find character in string

This is how we can work with the Power Apps find character in string.

Power Apps Search Text in String

In Power Apps, there are two Text input controls. The first text input control contains the text [Welcom to Power Apps], and the second text input control contains the text [Power Apps].

I want to search text in a string using the Find function and display the result on the text label. Refer to the below code.

Text = Find(
powerapps search text in string

This way, we can work with the Power Apps Search Text in String.

Power Apps Contains Text

Suppose you have a string “Microsoft Power Platform,” and I want to check if it contains the word “Microsoft.” To do so, insert a Text label and set its Text property using the code below.

Text = If(
        "Microsoft Power Platform"
    ) > 0,
    "Does not contain"
powerapps contains text

Similarly, if the string does not contain the text, it will display the result as “Does not contain”, as shown below.

find in power apps

This way, we can work with the Power Apps contains text.

Moreover, you may like some more Power Apps tutorials:

This tutorial taught us the Power Apps Find function, its syntax, and examples of the Find function. We also discussed the Power Apps find character in a string and the Power Apps search text in a string.
