Power BI cross filter direction

In this Power Bi article, we will see everything about Power Bi cross filter direction and how to cross-filter directions between two tables in Power Bi.

Power BI cross filter direction

  • Every Power Bi Model relationship is called a cross-filter direction. Cross-filter choices are dependent on the cardinality type.
  • A single cross-filter direction indicates a single direction, and Both cross-filter directions indicate both directions. Both directions will also be called bi-directional.
Cardinality typeCross filter Options
One-to-many (or Many-to-one)Single
Single (Table1 to Table2)
Single (Table2 to Table1)
Power BI cross-filter direction

How to cross filter directions between two tables

Let us see how to make a cross filters directions between two tables in the Power BI model section,

In this example, we will choose the many-to-one cardinality relationship and single cross-filter direction for the two different tables.

In this example, we are going to use the Team Appearances Table consists of two tables called Team A and Team B as below:

Team A

How to Merge Tables in Power BI
cross-filter directions between two tables

Team B

How to Merge Tables in a Power BI
cross-filter directions between two tables
  • Open the Power Bi desktop and use the get data option presented under the home tab to load the data into it.
  • Once the data has been loaded, choose the model section as highlighted below:
Power BI cross-filter direction
Power BI cross-filter direction
  • Under the Home, tab click on the Manage relationship option as below:
Power BI cross-filter direction example
Power BI cross-filter direction example

A Manage relation pop-up window appears, select and click on the edit option like highlighted below:

Example of Power BI cross-filter direction
Example of Power BI cross-filter direction

Select the tables and columns in the edit relationship window, choose the Cardinality as Many to One relationship and the cross filter direction as Single, and click on the Ok button.

Example of a Power BI cross-filter direction
Example of a Power BI cross-filter direction

In the below screenshot, you can see that a single cross-filter direction or many-to-one cardinality relationship has been applied between two tables.

Power BI single cross-filter direction
Power BI single cross-filter direction

This is how to make a cross filter directions between two tables in the Power BI model section.

Here we get to know about power bi cross filter directions and how to cross filter directions between two tables in power bi.

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