Typescript split string by dot

When working with TypeScript, a common task encountered by developers is the need to manipulate strings, particularly splitting them into substrings based on certain delimiters. In this Typescript tutorial, I will explain how to split string by dot in Typescript.

To split a string by a dot in TypeScript, you can use the split method of the String object. Simply call myString.split(‘.’), where myString is your original string. This will return an array of substrings divided at each occurrence of the dot. If you need to handle special cases, such as ignoring multiple consecutive dots, you can use a regular expression with the split method, like myString.split(/./).

Typescript split string by dot

TypeScript, being a superset of JavaScript, provides the same string manipulation capabilities as JavaScript. We will explore different methods to achieve our goal, including the use of the split method, regular expressions, and third-party libraries.

Here is an example of a Typescript split string by dot.

Method 1: Using the split() Method

The most straightforward way to split a string by a dot in TypeScript is by using the built-in split method. This method is available on any string instance and splits the string into an array of substrings based on the delimiter provided.

Here’s an example:

function splitStringByDot(input: string): string[] {
  return input.split('.');

const myString = "www.example.com";
const parts = splitStringByDot(myString);

In this example, the splitStringByDot() function takes a string as input and returns an array of substrings split by the dot in Typescript. When we pass “www.example.com” to this function, it returns an array with three elements: “www”, “example”, and “com”. You can see the screenshot below for the output:

Typescript split string by dot

Method 2: Using Regular Expressions

Sometimes, you might need a more powerful tool for string splitting, especially if there are special cases to consider. Regular expressions come in handy for such scenarios. In TypeScript, you can use a regular expression with the split method to split a string.

Here’s how you can do it:

function splitStringByDotUsingRegex(input: string): string[] {
  // This regular expression matches a dot character in the string
  const regex = /\./;
  return input.split(regex);

const myString = "www.example.com";
const parts = splitStringByDotUsingRegex(myString);

The regular expression /\./ is used to match the dot character because in regular expressions, the dot is a special character that matches any character except new lines. To match a literal dot, we need to escape it with a backslash (\).  For the output, check the screenshot below:

split string by dot in typescript

Method 3: Handling Edge Cases

When splitting strings in Typescript, we might encounter edge cases such as leading or trailing dots, or multiple consecutive dots. It’s important to decide how to handle these cases in your application. Here’s an example that deals with consecutive dots in a Typescript string:

function splitStringByDotHandlingConsecutive(input: string): string[] {
  // This regular expression matches one or more consecutive dots
  const regex = /\.+/;
  return input.split(regex);

const myString = "www...example...com";
const parts = splitStringByDotHandlingConsecutive(myString);
Typescript split string by dot example

In this example, the regular expression /\./ has been modified to `/.+/’ to match one or more consecutive dots. This way, the input string “www…example…com” is split into three parts, ignoring the extra dots

Method 4: Using Third-Party Libraries

While TypeScript and JavaScript provide powerful native methods to manipulate strings, sometimes you might prefer using a third-party library for additional functionality or more readable code. One such popular library is Lodash, which provides a variety of utility functions.

Here’s an example using Lodash’s split function:

import * as _ from 'lodash';

function splitStringByDotUsingLodash(input: string): string[] {
  return _.split(input, '.');

const myString = "www.example.com";
const parts = splitStringByDotUsingLodash(myString);



Splitting a string by a dot in TypeScript is a common and straightforward task that can be accomplished using the native split method, regular expressions, or third-party libraries like Lodash. In this Typescript tutorial, I have explained with examples how to split string by dot in Typescript.

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