How to Replace String in PowerShell [With multiple examples]

Replace String in PowerShell

Do you want to know how to replace string in PowerShell? In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain in detail “PowerShell replace string” with multiple examples. To replace a string in PowerShell, use the -replace operator followed by the pattern you want to match and the replacement string. For example, $string -replace ‘oldString’, ‘newString’ will replace ‘oldString’ with ‘newString’ … read more…

PowerShell unblock-file

PowerShell unblock-file

One of the handy cmdlets available in PowerShell is Unblock-File– essential for dealing with files downloaded from the Internet that Windows has marked as unsafe. This PowerShell tutorial will discuss how to use the PowerShell unblock-file cmdlet to unblock files. What is the PowerShell’s Unblock-File Cmdlet? When you download files from the Internet, Windows may block … read more…

PowerShell Replace with Regular Expressions (regex)

In PowerShell, we can manipulate strings using regular expressions (regex). Regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings, and in PowerShell, they can be incredibly useful for text processing tasks. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use PowerShell’s -replace operator with regex to handle a variety of common scenarios. PowerShell Replace Regex The -replace operator … read more…

PowerShell Replace() Method

powershell replace method

The replace function in PowerShell is used to substitute characters or strings with new ones, which can be particularly useful when you need to update text or data dynamically. In this PowerShell tutorial, I will show you how to use the PowerShell replace() method with various examples. The PowerShell Replace() method is a string method … read more…

How to Replace a String in an Array Using PowerShell?

powershell replace string in array

Do you want to replace a string in a PowerShell array? In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain how to replace a string in an array using PowerShell. To replace a string in a PowerShell array, use a loop to iterate through the elements and conditionally assign a new value when a match is found. … read more…

PowerShell Function With Parameters

powershell function with parameter

Functions in PowerShell can simplify the code, make it reusable, and allow for easy sharing among scripts. A critical aspect of functions is their parameters, which allow you to pass different types of data into your functions. Let’s dive deep into PowerShell functions with parameters. PowerShell Function with Parameters A PowerShell function can be defined … read more…

PowerShell try catch with examples

PowerShell try catch with example

In this PowerShell script tutorial, I will explain how to use try, catch, and finally, blocks in PowerShell with clear examples. I will show in detail, “PowerShell try catch with example“. Error handling is an essential aspect of scripting in PowerShell, as it allows you to gracefully manage and respond to unexpected issues that may … read more…

PowerShell Variable Naming Conventions

When writing scripts in PowerShell, following to a set of naming conventions can significantly enhance the readability and maintainability of your PowerShell script. PowerShell Variable naming conventions, in particular, are essential to consider as they can make your scripts more intuitive to understand and work with. This tutorial will discuss the best practices for naming … read more…

PowerShell Get-date Format Milliseconds

PowerShell’s Get-Date cmdlet is versatile and can be used to display the current date and time with the level of precision you require. This post will explore how to format the Get-Date cmdlet output to include milliseconds. Here is an example of “PowerShell get-date format milliseconds“. PowerShell get-date format milliseconds Get-Date is a cmdlet in PowerShell that retrieves the current … read more…

Power Apps Visible if Checkbox is Checked

Power Apps Visible if the Check box is Checked

Do you want to show or hide controls based on the checkbox checked value in PowerApps? In this PowerApps tutorial, I will explain two different examples: “Power Apps visible if checkbox is checked.“ PowerApps Visible if Checkbox is Checked Here, we will discuss the Power Apps visible if the checkbox is checked with two different … read more…

PowerShell Naming Conventions: Best Practices for Scripts

PowerShell Naming Conventions

This tutorial is everything about PowerShell Naming Conventions. Here, we’ll discuss the best ways to name things in PowerShell, like cmdlets, functions, and variables. Good naming helps make your scripts easy to understand and professional. PowerShell naming conventions are critical in creating readable, maintainable, and consistently structured scripts. These conventions help users to intuitively understand … read more…

PowerShell get-childitem sort by date

PowerShell get-childitem sort by date

In this PowerShell tutorial, I will show you a few examples of PowerShell get-childitem sort by date and PowerShell get-childitem sort by modified date. We will see how to sort files by their creation and modification dates using PowerShell. PowerShell get-childitem sort by date Let us see how to sort by creation date in PowerShell … read more…

How to Get-Date Without Time in PowerShell?

How to Get-Date Without Time in PowerShell

Do you want to get-date without time in PowerShell? In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain different “PowerShell get-date without time” methods with examples. PowerShell get-date without time Here are different ways to get-date without time in PowerShell. Using Get-Date with DisplayHint Parameter PowerShell provides the Get-Date cmdlet, which is a versatile command used to retrieve the … read more…

PowerShell If Date Is Older Than 30 Days

PowerShell If Date Is Older Than 30 Days

Do you want to know how to compare dates in PowerShell? In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain everything about “PowerShell compare dates” and also “PowerShell if date is older than 30 days“. We’ll explore how to determine if a date is older than 30 days using PowerShell PowerShell If Date Is Older Than 30 … read more…
