How to Create Repeating Table in Power Apps? [With Calculate Fields]

Recently, while working on a project for a client, I got a requirement to save repeating table data to a SharePoint list. We can achieve this with Power Apps. It’s a little bit tricky, but we can do it. So, I tried how to create a repeating table in Power Apps.

Repeating table in Power Apps create tables where each row can contain multiple controls (like text boxes, dropdowns, etc.), and users can dynamically add or remove rows.

This feature is helpful for scenarios where you must collect a variable amount of repeating data from users, such as entering line items on an invoice or filling out survey responses.

Refer to the image below for how Power Apps repeating rows look like:

repeating table in powerapps

How to Create Repeating Table in Power Apps

Let’s discuss how to create repeating sections in Power Apps step by step and see how to calculate field values within the repeating table.

Build Power Apps with Headers and Collection

In Power Apps, add some Text labels for heading purposes: [You can change all the Labels’ Text properties to their respective field names, such as Product Name, Product Quantity, Product Price, etc.]

Create Repeating Tables in Power Apps

Next, insert an Add icon(+)/button (place it in the top left corner) and apply the code below on its OnSelect property to create a Power Apps collection.

OnSelect = Collect(
        CSerialNumber: Text(Last(PurchaseCollection).CSerialNumber + 1),
        CProductName: "",
        CProductQuantity: "",
        CProductPrice: "",
        CMulQuantityAndPrice: "",
        CVendorPhoneNumber: ""
  • PurchaseCollection = Collection name
  • CSerialNumber, CProductName, etc. = Collection headers
power apps repeating rows

Add a Blank Vertical gallery and insert input controls

Insert a Blank vertical gallery control and set its Items property to the collection:

Items = PurchaseCollection
powerapps repeating table, Create Repeating Section In Power Apps

Edit the gallery -> add all six fields (Text input controls). Set five fields (except Product Name) Format property to Number. [As the user is going to enter only the number values. If the user puts any text or unique character, it won’t allow to enter].

powerapps repeating row

Next, set all the Text input’s Default property to the codes below:

SerialNumber:Default = ThisItem.CSerialNumber
ProductName:Default = ThisItem.CProductName
ProductQuantity:Default = ThisItem.CProductQuantity
ProductPrice:Default = ThisItem.CProductPrice
ProductQuantity*ProductPrice:Default = Value(txtProdQuantity.Text) * Value(txtProdPrice.Text)     
VendorPhoneNumber:Default = ThisItem.CVendorPhoneNumber 

ProductQuantity*ProductPrice = It will multiply the Product Quantity and Price value

Refer to the image below:

PowerApps Repeating table

Remove Specific Row from Repeating Table

Suppose you want to remove any specific unwanted rows, then the best option is to add a Cancel icon (inside the gallery) and write the code below on its OnSelect property:

OnSelect = RemoveIf(
    CSerialNumber = ThisItem.CSerialNumber
Create Repeating Tables in Power Apps with calculate fields

Save, Publish, and Test the App

Finally, save, publish, and close the app. Play the app and click on the + icon to add new lines. Also, enter values into the fields.

Also, it will calculate the price and quantity value correctly under the Quantity*Price field.

Power Apps repeating table

If you want to remove any particular row, click the Cancel button.

Remove rows from Power Apps repeating table

It will remove the specific row.

Remove rows from PowerApps repeating table

This way, we can create repeating rows in Power Apps.

How to Overcome With Default Calculated Value in Power Apps Repeating Table

However, you will realize that whenever you add a new line (after filling the first row), every time, it takes the first calculated value (Quantity*Price) in every row instead of a blank one. Apart from this, all the fields appear with blank values.

Repeating table in Power Apps

Also, resolving the problem in the Power Apps repeating table is challenging. I referred to many articles and didn’t find a solution, so I tried my own, and somehow, I achieved it.

To overcome it, go to the created collection on the Add(+) icon’s OnSelect property and replace the Blank() function in each field instead of an inverted comma (” “).

        CSerialNumber: Text(Last(PurchaseCollection).CSerialNumber + 1),
        CProductName: "",
        CProductQuantity: Blank(),
        CProductPrice: Blank(),
        CMulQuantityAndPrice: Blank(),
        CVendorPhoneNumber: Blank()

Also, ensure that, except for the Product Name field, all the remaining text input controls’ Format property is Number.

Repeating rows in Power Apps

Save, Publish, and Play the app. Now, whenever you add a new row, the calculated field value will appear with a Blank or zero value, as shown below.

Repeating tables Power Apps

Save Power Apps Repeating Rows in SharePoint List

We will store all these repeating row values in a SharePoint list.

Set up a SharePoint List

Below is the SharePoint list [Purchase Order Details]. Create all six columns based on the Repeating table:

ColumnData type
Serial NumberNumber
Product NameTitle – Single line of text
Product QuantityNumber
Product PriceNumber
Vendor Phone NumberNumber
PowerApps Repeating tables

Save Repeating Table Data in SharePoint List

Insert a Save or Submit icon outside of the gallery (mainly on the header) and set its OnSelect property to the code below:

OnSelect = ForAll(
        'Purchase Order Details',
        Defaults('Purchase Order Details'),
            'Serial Number': Value(txtSlNo.Text),
            Title: txtProdName.Text,
            'Product Price': Value(txtProdPrice.Text),
            'Product Quantity': Value(txtProdQuantity.Text),
            'Quantity*Price': Value(txtTotal.Text),
            'Vendor Phone Number': Value(txtVendPhone.Text)
    "Your Order Has Been Submitted Successfully",
  • Gallery1 = Gallery control name
  • Serial Number‘, Title, ‘Product Price‘, etc. = SharePoint Columns
  • txtSlNo, txtProdName, txtProdPrice, etc. = Text input controls

As all the fields are numbers (except Product Name), we need to convert this text field to a number using the Power Apps Value() function.

save power apps repeating table in SharePoint

Save, Publish, and Preview the app. Enter the values in the table and save the app. You will see a success notification in the top left corner.

Save Power Apps Repeating Rows in SharePoint List

Also, the items have been submitted in the SharePoint list as below.

Create Power Apps repeating rows

We can create a Power Apps repeating section and save the records into a SharePoint list in this way.

Also, you may like some articles below:

  • This is exactly what I need for where customers submit late requisitions. Thank you for the thorough write up. Hope I can get some direction on a problem I have. I have created all the way to Step 2.3. When I savepublish, I can’t get app to add new row when selecting A(+) icon. No reported errors on my end. Any help would be very much appreciated.
    CSerialNumber: Text(Last(PCSLateReqsCollection).CSerialNumber + 1),
    CAgency: “”,
    CDivision: “”,
    CProgram: “”,
    CFiscalYear: “”,
    CRequisitionNumber: “”,
    CRequestor: “”,
    CDescription: “”,
    CVendor: “”,
    CContractPONumber: “”,
    CAmount: “”,
    CJustification: “”

  • It would be great if you could provide more detail. I have SharePoint Sky and still have trouble following what type you assigned to the columns. And like the user below I can’t get the row to repeat by selecting the + after 2.3.

  • Can the repeating table also be updated and prior data still be kept in the repeating section if updated at a later date?
    with my repeating section I would like for it to be able to be updated multiple times, However this doesn’t happen all at once it can happen over the course of days or even weeks between entries. Is this possible to keep amending the text to the SharePoint Repeating table items over a several day time period? I need to keep all entered prior items entered.
    for example:
    25-1 then 25-2 (happens 3 days later) and 25-1 information is still there after I enter 25-2.

    25-2 then is updated to 25-3 the next day and 25-1, 25-2 that data is still in the SharePoint list .

    so on so forth.. it will keep going ..

    Is this possible?

  • On the Save button, do I need to list all fields (my form has a lot of fields) or can I Submit SharePointForm1?

  • Default = txtProductQuantity*txtProductPrice

    this is incorrect, you should populate the property of the control which is .text

  • >