How to Get the Highest Number in an Array in PowerShell?

powershell get highest number in array

Recently, I got a requirement to get the highest number in an array in PowerShell. In this PowerShell tutorial, we’ll explore different methods to retrieve the highest number from an array in PowerShell with complete and real examples. To find the highest number in an array in PowerShell, you can use the Measure-Object cmdlet with the -Maximum parameter. For … read more…

How to Replace String in XML File using PowerShell?

There will be times when, as a developer, you may need to replace a string value in an XML file using PowerShell. In this PowerShell tutorial, I will show a complete example of how to replace a string in an XML file using PowerShell. PowerShell Replace String in XML File Let us try to understand … read more…

How to Get Unique Values from an Array in PowerShell?

powershell get unique values from array

When working with data in PowerShell, you might be required to get distinct values from the array in PowerShell. In this tutorial, we’ll explore different methods to get unique values from an array in PowerShell with complete real examples. To get unique values from an array in PowerShell, you can use the Select-Object cmdlet with the -Unique switch, which … read more…

How to Pass Objects to Functions in PowerShell? [Multiple Examples]

How to Pass Objects to Functions in PowerShell

In this PowerShell, we can create and use functions that can accept objects as parameters. In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain how to pass objects to functions in PowerShell with examples. In PowerShell, you can pass objects to functions by defining parameters in the function that expect an object type. To pass an object, … read more…

How to Remove Empty Lines from an Array in PowerShell?

remove blank lines from array powershell

When working with PowerShell, it’s common to encounter situations where you must clean up an array by removing empty lines. This can happen when you’re processing text files, command output, or any data that may contain superfluous whitespace. In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain you several methods to remove empty lines from an array … read more…

How To Replace String In JSON File Using PowerShell?

Recently, I got a requirement to replace a string in a JSON file. PowerShell provides different cmdlets to work with JSON files. In this tutorial, I will explain how to replace a string in a json file using PowerShell. To replace a string in a JSON file using PowerShell, you would read the JSON file … read more…

How to Check if an Array Contains a String in PowerShell?

Check if an Array Contains a String in PowerShell

Do you want to check if an array contains a string in PowerShell? In this PowerShell tutorial, we’ll explore different methods to check if an array contains a string in PowerShell, providing real examples. To check if an array in PowerShell contains a specific string, you can use the -contains operator, which is straightforward and efficient. For … read more…

How To Split Comma Separated String To Array In PowerShell?

powershell comma separated string to array

Splitting a comma-separated string into an array in PowerShell is a common task that can be performed using the -split operator or the .Split() method. Here’s a step-by-step guide to learn how to split comma separated string to array in PowerShell. To split a comma-separated string into an array in PowerShell, use the -split operator or the .Split() method. For instance, $array = $commaSeparatedString … read more…

PowerShell Replace String Before Character [With Examples]

powershell replace multiple characters

PowerShell is a powerful scripting language that offers a variety of ways to manipulate strings. One common task is to replace parts of a string before a certain character. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to replace text in a string before a specific character using PowerShell. I will also explain a few examples: … read more…

How To Convert Array To Comma Separated String In PowerShell?

powershell array to comma separated string

Most of the time, you might get a requirement to convert an array to a comma separated string in PowerShell. In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain how to convert an array to a comma-separated string in PowerShell using various methods. To convert an array to a comma-separated string in PowerShell, use the -join operator. For example, $myArray … read more…

Replace String Containing Special Characters in PowerShell

powershell replace string containing special characters

There might have been scenarios where you want to replace a string containing special characters in PowerShell. In this tutorial, I will explain to you different examples of how to replace strings containing special characters in PowerShell. To replace a string containing special characters in PowerShell, you can use the -replace operator with an escape character. For … read more…

How to Get The Last Item In an Array in PowerShell?

powershell get last item in array

In PowerShell, arrays are collections of items where each item has an index. To get the last item in a PowerShell array, you can use different methods. Below is a complete tutorial on how to retrieve the last item from an array in PowerShell. To get the last item in a PowerShell array, you can … read more…

How to Replace Carriage Returns in Strings Using PowerShell?

Replace Carriage Returns in Strings Using PowerShell

There will be times when you want to replace carriage returns in strings using PowerShell. In this tutorial, we will learn how to replace carriage returns in strings using PowerShell. To replace a string containing a carriage return in PowerShell, use the -replace operator with the carriage return escape sequence `r. For example, $string -replace “r”, “replacement text”will replace … read more…

How To Access First Item In an Array In PowerShell?

powershell get first item in array

Do you want to get the first item in the array in PowerShell? In this PowerShell tutorial, I will explain different ways to access the first item in an array in PowerShell. To access the first item in an array in PowerShell, use the index 0 for the array. For example, if you have an array $cities, you … read more…
